Articles → Light Switch 2011 → Introduction To Light Switch 2011Introduction To Light Switch 2011Consider a scenario in which your supervisor has assigned you a task to create an application that will add and modify the employee information. You start development by creating UI, apply styles, create business logic and finally write a code to connect to the database (order of the steps may vary). After some time your supervisor has assigned you the same sort of task. This time you have to make an application that can manipulate the client’s information. You will end up doing the same work again. You may think of some other option that can save you from doing these repetitive works so that you can concentrate on some other work. Light switch is that option. Light switch is a development tool that helps you in creating the business application quickly.Before we delve into the details of creating applications using light switch let us learn some basics.Data Entities And Screens Light switch represents data using data entities. This representation is similar to any database that represents data in the form of tables and views. It means data entities in light switch are similar to tables in databases.Similar to webforms in and winforms in windows application light switch has given screens. Screens are how the light switch represents data. There are some predefined templates from which screens can be created.Validation Light switch gives you an option to create simple validations (like required fields, length check etc) without writing a single line of code. But for complex business logic you have to write code.Conclusion Light switch eases the application development. The only task you have to do is to write complex business logic and light switch will take care for the rest of the things.Posted By - Karan Gupta Posted On - Friday, December 16, 2011 Query/Feedback Your Email Id Subject Query/Feedback Characters remaining 250