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Introduction To Assembly In .Net

  1. Single file assembly – An assembly which contains a single file and manifest is   also incorporated in the same file.
  2. Picture showing the pictorical representation of the single file assembly
    Click to Enlarge

  3. Multi file assembly – An assembly which contains more than one file is called   multi-file assembly. In case of multi-file assembly, there could be a standalone   manifest file.
  4. Picture showing the pictorical representation of the multi file assembly
    Click to Enlarge

.Net Assembly Contents

  1. Assembly manifest – The metadata which describes assembly and contents
  2. Type metadata – Defines type, method and property.
  3. MSIL
  4. Resources – like image, icons etc.

Assembly Versioning


  1. Major version - Manually incremented for major releases, such as adding many   new features to the solution.
  2. Minor version - Manually incremented for minor releases, such as introducing   small changes to existing features.
  3. Build – Automatically increases when recompiling the same code.
  4. Revision – Incremented for hotfixes and patches

Difference Between Private Assembly And Shared Assembly

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Monday, April 6, 2015


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