Articles → SONARQUBE → Introduction To Sonarqube

Introduction To Sonarqube

What Is Sonarqube?

Sonarqube Architecture

Picture showing the pictorical representation of sonarqube architecture
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  1. Sonarqube scanner – This component is used to analyse your code.
  2. Sonarqube server – This component contains three other components
    1. Webserver – This is the component where SonarQube instance is configured
    2. Search server – This component searches the database and displays the result on UI. This component searches the data based on elastic search.
    3. Compute engine server – This component process code analysis report and save them in sonarqube database.
  3. Plug-ins – These are the components installed on webserver for multiple additional functionalities.
  4. Sonarqube database – This component data related to code analysis.

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Thursday, September 19, 2019


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