Articles → .NET DESIGN PATTERN → Interface Segregation Principal C#

Interface Segregation Principal C#


  1. Children
  2. Serviceman
  3. Businessman
  4. Old age people

public interface IInsurance {
	void CarInsurance();
	void MedicalInsurance();
	void TermInsurance();

public class Children: IInsurance {
	public void CarInsurance() {
		throw new NotImplementedException();

	public void MedicalInsurance() {
		throw new NotImplementedException();

	public void TermInsurance() {
		throw new NotImplementedException();
public class ServiceMan: IInsurance {
	public void CarInsurance() {
		throw new NotImplementedException();

	public void MedicalInsurance() {
		throw new NotImplementedException();

	public void TermInsurance() {
		throw new NotImplementedException();

public class BusinessMan: IInsurance {
	public void CarInsurance() {
		throw new NotImplementedException();

	public void MedicalInsurance() {
		throw new NotImplementedException();

	public void TermInsurance() {
		throw new NotImplementedException();

public class OldAge: IInsurance {
	public void CarInsurance() {
		throw new NotImplementedException();

	public void MedicalInsurance() {
		throw new NotImplementedException();

	public void TermInsurance() {
		throw new NotImplementedException();

  1. There is no relevance of car insurance for children
  2. No term insurance for old age people because according to the insurance company, the maximum age should be 40

  1. CarInsurance method is not relevant for the Children's class
  2. TermInsurance method is not relevant for the OldAge class

Interface Segregation Principle For Rescue

public interface ICarInsurance {
	void CarInsurance();

public interface IMedicalInsurance {
	void MedicalInsurance();
public interface ITermInsurance {
	void TermInsurance();

public class Children: IMedicalInsurance {

	public void MedicalInsurance() {
		throw new NotImplementedException();
public class ServiceMan: ICarInsurance,
ITermInsurance {

	public void CarInsurance() {
		throw new NotImplementedException();

	public void TermInsurance() {
		throw new NotImplementedException();

public class BusinessMan: ICarInsurance,
ITermInsurance {

	public void CarInsurance() {
		throw new NotImplementedException();

	public void MedicalInsurance() {
		throw new NotImplementedException();

	public void TermInsurance() {
		throw new NotImplementedException();

public class OldAge: ICarInsurance {

	public void CarInsurance() {
		throw new NotImplementedException();

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Thursday, June 4, 2015


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