Articles → Git → Install Sourcetree Application On Our Machine

Install Sourcetree Application On Our Machine

What Is Source Tree?

Install Source Tree

  1. Go to URL -
  2. Click on ‘Download for Windows’ button.
  3. Picture showing the webpage to download sourcetree application
    Click to Enlarge

  4. A pop up window will appear to accept the terms and conditions.
  5. Picture showing the popup message for accepting the terms and conditions
    Click to Enlarge

  6. Click on the checkbox and click on Download button. A setup is downloaded on your system.
  7. Double click on the setup file to initiate the installation.
  8. In the first screen, you can select the repository. Here I am selecting Bitbucket.
  9. Picture showing the source tree screen to select the repository
    Click to Enlarge

  10. A popup window will appear to login to Atlassian account.
  11. Picture showing the login screen to enter the credentials
    Click to Enlarge

  12. In the next window, you can select you Gmail Id.
  13. Once you select your Gmail Id, another page will appear to create the account
  14. Picture showing the window to create an account
    Click to Enlarge

  15. Another window will appear to check if you have logged in using the right account.
  16. Picture showing the confirmation screen to check if you are using the right account
    Click to Enlarge

  17. Next step is to create a unique repository
  18. Picture showing a screen for creating the unique repository
    Click to Enlarge

  19. Another window will appear for the survey. You can skip it if you want
  20. Picture showing the survey window while creating the account
    Click to Enlarge

  21. Go back to the installer, there you will see the waiting window.
  22. Picture showing the install step of the source tree installation wizard
    Click to Enlarge

    Picture showing the registration step of the source tree installation wizard
    Click to Enlarge

    Picture showing the screen that shows that the installation is completed
    Click to Enlarge

  23. Next window allows you to select the tool. As I already have git so I can click on the Next button
  24. Picture showing the Install tools step of the source tree installation wizard
    Click to Enlarge

  25. In the next window, you can select the preference. I am skipping it by clicking on Next.
  26. Picture showing the preferences step of the source tree installation wizard
    Click to Enlarge

  27. A popup window will appear asking for SSH key. I have clicked No.
  28. Picture showing the confirmation message about the SSH key
    Click to Enlarge

    Picture showing the source tree home screen with the list of repositories
    Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Wednesday, September 11, 2019


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