Articles → PHP CODEIGNITER → Install Codeigniter

Install Codeigniter

What Is "Codeigniter"?

Benefits Of Codeigniter

  1. Codeigniter is lightweight.
  2. Codeigniter is easy to learn.
  3. Codeigniter has good documentation.

Install Codeigniter

  1. Go to the following URL -
  2. Click on “Download” button
  3. Picture showing the code igniter website with download button
    Click to Enlarge

  4. A zip file gets downloaded.
  5. Extract the folder to "XAMP/htdocs" folder.
  6. Rename to "CI" (you can give any name)

  7. Picture showing the codeigniter webpage on local
    Click to Enlarge

Folder Structure

Picture showing the folder structure of code igniter
Click to Enlarge

  1. App folder - This directory contains the application logic.
  2. System - This directory contains framework files.
  3. User_guide - This directory contains the user guide.

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Wednesday, July 1, 2020


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