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Initallsettings.Xaml File In Reframework In Uipath

Arguments In Initallsettings.Xaml File

Picture showing the arguments to be passed in InitAllSettings.xaml file
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  1. in_ConfigFile → This argument contains the path of the config file
  2. in_ConfigSheets → This argument is a string array that contains the name of the first 2 sheets of the config file
  3. out_Config → This is an output argument of type dictionary. This argument contains the list of name-value pairs from all the 3 sheets of the config file

High-Level Flow Of The Initallsettings.Xaml File

  1. Initialize the output argument "out_Config"
  2. Read all the values in the first 2 sheets i.e., "Settings" and "Constants" and assign it to the "out_Config" argument
  3. Read the name of the assets from the third sheet i.e., "Assets" and get the value of assets from the orchestrator and assign it to the "out_Config" argument
  4. Picture showing the high-level view of InitAllSettings.xaml file
    Click to Enlarge

Read Data From The Settings And Constants Sheet

  1. Loop through the string array "in_ConfigSheets"
  2. Read the sheet using the "Read Range" activity and assign the value in the data table
  3. Loop through all the rows in the data table and assign the value to the "out_Config" arguments
  4. Picture showing the flow of reading the Settings and Constant tab from config.xlsx file
    Click to Enlarge

Read Data From The Assets Sheet

  1. Read the sheet using the "Read Range" activity and assign it to the data table
  2. Loop through the rows in the data table
  3. For each name in the row, get the value from the orchestrator
  4. Assign the Name and Value to the "out_Config" argument
  5. Picture showing the flow of reading the Assets tab from config.xlsx file
    Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Wednesday, March 17, 2021


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