Articles → .NET → How To Remove Untrusted Publisher From DLL Or Exe FileHow To Remove Untrusted Publisher From DLL Or Exe FileIn this post, we will discuss how to remove "untrusted publisher" from your exe (or DLL) file. "Untrusted Publisher" could be removed by digitally signing your exe (or DLL).What Is A Signtool? Signtool is a command line tool that signs the file digitally. You can download it from here Vendors There are many vendors who are providing paid certificates To sign the file<Path of signtool>/bin/signtool sign /f <Path of certificate>\<Certificate Name>.pfx /p <Password> <Path of exe file>Posted By - Karan Gupta Posted On - Monday, July 26, 2021 Query/Feedback Your Email Id Subject Query/Feedback Characters remaining 250
<Path of signtool>/bin/signtool sign /f <Path of certificate>\<Certificate Name>.pfx /p <Password> <Path of exe file>