Articles → ENVIRONMENT → How Does NASA Help The Environment?How Does NASA Help The Environment?NASA, a scientific organization, carries out its mission without compromising the earth's resources. Since 1969, NASA has contributed to our need for greener technologies. NASA's contribution to environment and greener technologies include air or waste or water recycling systems, satellites, aircraft and many more. NASA has achieved sustainability goals through several efforts such as water management, energy conservation, and pollution prevention. NASA's vision is to help future generations to meet their needs for resources.It is surprising that NASA collaborates with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regularly. Many of us can't realize how NASA is making a contribution to environmental science. Here we will discuss few ways NASA is helping the environment. NASA's Research On Air-Pollution When the world highlighted land pollution, NASA was the first Organization to focus on the Greenhouse effect. NASA made successful research that includes high-tech observation systems to track and understand Earth's air-quality. NASA first revealed that air –pollution affects human beings, sea life, crops and farmland in the form of carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, and hydrocarbons.NASA invented High Spectral Resolution Lidar that using laser beams measures aerosols-particles in the air. NASA along with Environmental Protection Agency used High Spectral Resolution Lidar to measure aerosol particles emitted during a wildfire in Myrtle Beach in 2009. That's the way NASA helped the Environmental Protection Agency to understand wildfire's effect on air quality and to make guidelines to keep the air clean. NASA's Research On Global Warming NASA is giving emphasis on Global warming that is possibly a disastrous issue. NASA's two airborne radar devices were used by a climate-change study group to study the flow of glaciers in Iceland and Greenland in May 2009 and to map two areas' ice topography. The findings from the study helped scientists to comprehend the effects of global warming. According to NASA, between 1997 and 1998, 40% of the world's carbon output came from Asian wildfires. NASA's carbon detecting satellites measured this carbon output from Asian wildfires.NASA's Research For Alternative Energy Resources We know that fossil fuels are non-renewable sources of energy and they are harmful as they emit greenhouse gases. NASA is focussing on the use of clean fuel for the lives on the earth. NASA uses clean hydrogen fuel in the space shuttle. According to NASA, clean fuel can be derived from algae.Thus we may say that NASA is following sustainable development, i.e, development without compromising next generation's future.Posted By - Sanghati Biswas Posted On - Sunday, June 9, 2019 Query/Feedback Your Email Id Subject Query/Feedback Characters remaining 250