Articles → Git → GIT Reset Command

GIT Reset Command


Different Types Of Git Rest Command

  1. Soft
  2. Mixed
  3. Hard

Soft Reset

  1. It does not touch any file in working or staging area.
  2. It moves the head pointer to the latest commit.

git reset –-soft

Mixed Reset

  1. It does not touch any file in working area.
  2. Resets the staging area i.e. tracked changes becomes untracked changes
  3. It moves the head pointer to the latest commit.

git reset –-mixed

Hard Reset

  1. Resets the files in staging area and working area same as the versions committed.
  2. It moves the head pointer to the latest commit.

git reset –-hard

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Friday, October 4, 2019


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