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Gettransactiondata In Reframework In Uipath



Picture showing the first step of Get Transaction Data in REFramework in UiPath
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  1. First, "Check Stop Signal" checks if the job is running in the orchestrator or not
  2. If the job is not running, then the message is logged using the "Log Message" activity, and then end the process
  3. If the job is running, the workflow "GetTransactionData" is called

Gettransactiondata Workflow

Picture showing the flow of GetTransactionData.xaml file in REFramework in UiPath
Click to Enlarge

  1. Get the next transaction inside the "Get Transaction Item" sequence. Here, we can write the logic to retrieve the data from the data source
  2. The output of the above sequence is stored in a variable "out_TransactionItem"
  3. Picture showing the properties window of the GetQueueItem activity
    Click to Enlarge

  4. The above output is sent to the next step as input
  5. Finally, add the transaction information in the log file

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Monday, March 22, 2021


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