Articles → UIPATH → Get The Image URL From The Table Using Data Scraping In Uipath

Get The Image URL From The Table Using Data Scraping In Uipath


Picture showing the website from which image URL needs to be extracted using data scraping in UiPath
Click to Enlarge

Rendered Code

<table id="tab_16rwheOrvj" class="tabtable-rs_replaceimages" data-ruleset="rs_replaceimages.xml:rs_replaceimages_2">
	<tr class="tabrow tr_ht1">
		<td class="tabcol">Description</td>
		<td class="tabcol">Image</td>
	<tr class="tabrow ">
		<td class="tabcol">A nice car</td>
		<td class="tabcol">
			<a class="car.jpg" data-lightbox="car.jpg" href="/images/tabulizer/demo/car.jpg">
				<img class="example-image" alt="car.jpg" src="/images/tabulizer/demo/car.jpg">
	<tr class="tabrow ">
		<td class="tabcol">A pretty house</td>
		<td class="tabcol">
		    <a class="house.gif" data-lightbox="house.gif" href="/images/tabulizer/demo/house.gif">
			    <img class="example-image" alt="house.gif" src="/images/tabulizer/demo/house.gif">
	<tr class="tabrow ">
	    <td class="tabcol">An awesome guitar</td>
		<td class="tabcol">
		    <a class="guitar.png" data-lightbox="guitar.png" href="/images/tabulizer/demo/guitar.png">
			    <img class="example-image" alt="guitar.png" src="/images/tabulizer/demo/guitar.png">


  1. In UiPath studio, click on the "Data Scraping" button
  2. A "Extract Wizard" window will appear
  3. Picture showing the popup window of the extraction wizard
    Click to Enlarge

  4. Click on the "Next" button
  5. An option will come to select the data. Select the first record of the table
  6. Picture showing selecting the first element from the table using the data scraping in uipath
    Click to Enlarge

  7. Another popup will appear to confirm if you want to extract the whole table. Click on "No"
  8. Picture showing a confirmation message to confirm if the developer wants to select the whole table
    Click to Enlarge

  9. Another window will appear to select the second element. Click on the "Next" button
  10. Picture showing a popup window for selecting the second element from the table
    Click to Enlarge

  11. Another option will come to select the data. Select the second record of the table
  12. Picture showing selecting the second element from the table using the data scraping in uipath
    Click to Enlarge

  13. Once you click on the second record, a window will appear to configure the column
  14. Picture showing the pop up window for configuring columns
    Click to Enlarge

  15. Without making any changes, click on the "Next" button
  16. A preview data window will appear. Click on the "Edit Data Definition" button
  17. Picture showing the preview window without the URLs of the image
    Click to Enlarge

  18. An XML editor will come. Change the XML text to
  19. <extract>
    	<row extract="1">
    		<webctrl tag="tr"/>
    	<column exact='1' name='Column1' attr='text'>
    		<webctrl tag='tr' />
    		<webctrl tag='td' idx='1' />
    	<column exact='1' name='Column2' attr='src'>
    		<webctrl tag='tr' />
    		<webctrl tag='td' idx='2' />
    		<webctrl tag='a' idx='1' />
    		<webctrl tag='img' idx='1' />

    Picture showing the XML editor with the changed XML code
    Click to Enlarge

  20. Click on the "OK" button
  21. In the preview window, a list of URLs will appear
  22. Picture showing the preview window with the URLs of the image
    Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Friday, April 9, 2021


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