Articles → AUTOMATION ANYWHERE → Get The Data From The DOS Command Prompt In Automation Anywhere 10.5

Get The Data From The DOS Command Prompt In Automation Anywhere 10.5


  1. Open command prompt using ‘Open Application’ command
  2. Enter the key stroke ‘cd c:\temp’ using ‘Insert Keystrokes’ command. The purpose is to go to ‘c:\temp’ path.
  3. Enter the key stroke ‘dir’ using ‘Insert Keystrokes’ command to get the list of folders.
  4. Capture the screen shot using ‘Application Integration’ command.

Open Command Prompt Using ‘Open Application’ Command

Picture showing opening the command prompt using the Open Program/File command
Click to Enlarge

Enter The Key Stroke ‘Cd C:\Temp’

Picture showing executing the cd command in command prompt using Insert Keystrokes command
Click to Enlarge

Enter The Key Stroke ‘Dir’

Picture showing executing the dir command in command prompt using Insert Keystrokes command
Click to Enlarge

Capture The Screen Shot Using ‘Application Integration’ Command

Picture showing the DOS Command Prompt action from Application Integration command
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing opening the command prompt in admin mode using App integration command
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the confirmation message before the capturing of screenshot of the window
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing a message box to display the result of the variable
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the output of Get the data from the DOS command prompt in automation anywhere 10.5
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Saturday, October 6, 2018


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