Articles → .NET → Garbage Collector

Garbage Collector

  1. Allocate memory to resource.
  2. Initialize the memory to set the initial state of the resource.
  3. Use the resource.
  4. Tear down the state of the resource.
  5. Free the memory.

Managed Heap

Picture showing the pictorical representation of Managed Heap
Click to Enlarge

Application Roots

Phase I: Mark - Find The Memory That Can Be Reclaimed.

  1. GC identifies live application roots.
  2. It starts walking the roots and graph all the objects reachable from the roots.The objects that are not reachable through the application roots is considered as garbage.

Phase II: Compact - Move All The Live Objects To The Bottom Of The Heap, Leaving Free Space At The Top.


Garbage Collector Performance Optimizations

  1. Weak References
  2. Generations

Weak References


  1. Generation 0 → This generation contains those objects which are frequently collected by the garbage collector
  2. Generation 1 → The objects that survived the garbage collection in Generation 0 are promoted to Generation 1
  3. Generation 2 → This Generation contains the long-lived objects that survived multiple garbage collection

Are Primitive Types Collected By The Garbage Collector?

Empty Destructor

Can We Force The Garbage Collector?

What Is The Memory Leak?

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Thursday, June 10, 2010
Updated On  -  Thursday, August 31, 2023


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