Articles → Git → Forking A Repository In GithubForking A Repository In GithubThis article describes forking a repository in GitHub.What Does Forking A Repository Mean? Forking a repository means creating a copy of the repository under your GitHub ID. Any changes made in the original repository will be reflected in your forked repository.If you are making any changes in your forked repository, the changes must be approved by the administrator of the original repository to merge your changes.How To Fork Your Repository? To fork a repository, log in to the GitHub portal. Click on Your repositories.In the search box, search the word font in the GitHub repository.Your search result will appear below.Navigate to the repository you want to fork. Click the fork option.The following screen will appear.A copy is created in your repository once you click the Create fork button.Posted By - Karan Gupta Posted On - Thursday, August 22, 2019 Query/Feedback Your Email Id** Subject* Query/Feedback Characters remaining 250**