Articles → Django → Flask Vs. Django Which One Is Better To Go Ahead With Your Web Development Project

Flask Vs. Django Which One Is Better To Go Ahead With Your Web Development Project

The Basics

What Are Django And Flask Used For?

Advantages Of Django

  1. Django is a framework that is easy to set up and run
  2. Administrative activities are supported by the easy to use interface
  3. The built-in internationalization system makes multilingual websites available
  4. End-to-end application testing possible
  5. API can be documented with HTML output
  6. Authentication protocols are supported by REST Framework
  7. API requests from a single user can be rate-limited using Django
  8. Patterns can be defined for the URLs in your application
  9. Built-in authentication system
  10. Cache mechanisms with Cache framework
  11. Rapid web development
  12. Comprehensive stack of tool

Advantages Of Flask

  1. Compatible with latest technologies to a great extent
  2. You can experiment technically with Flask
  3. Easy to use
  4. Small Codebase size
  5. Simple applications can be built with high scalability
  6. A quick prototype can be constructed easily
  7. Secure Routing URL
  8. Powerful application development
  9. Simple database integration
  10. Extensibility as well is easier
  11. Abundance of resources

Differentiation Between Django And Flask





Live Uses

  1. Instagram
  2. Spotify
  3. Dropbox
  4. Mozilla
  5. Pinterest

  1. Red Hat
  2. RackSpace
  3. Airbnb
  4. Netflix
  5. Reddit


Posted By  -  Deepika Singh
Posted On  -  Tuesday, August 4, 2020


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