Articles → MICROSOFT AZURE → File Shares In The Storage Account In Azure

File Shares In The Storage Account In Azure


How To Create A File Share Inside The Storage Account?

  1. In the detail screen of the storage account, there is an option called File shares inside the File service
  2. Picture showing the file shares submenu inside the file service
    Click to Enlarge

  3. Once you click on it, a screen will appear on the right-hand side with the list of file shares. Click on the + File share button to add a new file share
  4. Picture showing a screen with the list of file shares
    Click to Enlarge

  5. A dock window will appear on the right-hand side
  6. Enter the Name, and Quota and click on the Create button
  7. Picture showing a section to add new file share
    Click to Enlarge

  8. A file share is created
  9. Picture showing a screen with the list of file shares
    Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Wednesday, April 28, 2021


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