Articles → SQL SERVER → Execute TSQL Statements Using Sqlcmd Utility

Execute TSQL Statements Using Sqlcmd Utility

What Is Sqlcmd Utility?


Sqlcmd –s <server_name> -i <script_file_name>

Creating Script Files

Use [Master] Go CREATE DATABASE gyansangrah;

Use [gyansangrah] 
  Create table Test (
  TestId Int Identity(1, 1), 
  TestName varchar(50)

Use [gyansangrah]
Insert into Test values('Test1')

Create A Batch File

sqlcmd -S .\SQLserver  -i C:\temp\scripts\create_database.sql

sqlcmd -S .\SQLserver -i C:\temp\scripts\create_table_Test.sql 

sqlcmd -S .\SQLserver  -i C:\temp\scripts\Insert_Into_Test.sql 

Run The Batch File

  1. Open the run popup (windows + R)
  2. Type cmd and press enter
  3. Command window open up
  4. Go to the path where the batch file is stored (using cd batch_file_path)
  5. Enter Script.bat and press enter


Picture showing the database and table created after the batch file is executed

Adding Output In A File


Sqlcmd –s <server_name> -i <script_file_name> -o <output_file_path>

sqlcmd -S .\SQLserver -i C:\temp\scripts\create_database.sql -o C:\temp\scripts\create_database.txt

sqlcmd -S .\SQLserver -i C:\temp\scripts\create_table_Test.sql -o C:\temp\scripts\create_table_Test.txt

sqlcmd -S .\SQLserver -i C:\temp\scripts\Insert_Into_Test.sql -o C:\temp\scripts\Insert_Into_Test.txt


Picture showing adding the output of the query execution to the file

Picture showing adding the output of the query execution to the file

Picture showing adding the output of the query execution to the file

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Updated On  -  Friday, September 23, 2016


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