Articles → .NET → Displaying Validation Error Message In Login Control In Asp.Net

Displaying Validation Error Message In Login Control In Asp.Net

Software Requirement

Prerequisite Knowledge

  1. Basics about .net programming
  2. How to create website using visual studio?
  3. Basics about validation controls in .net
  4. Basics about controls like login control, change password control etc.

Steps Of Execution

  1. Create a new project
  2. Add login control to the page
  3. Add validation Summary to the page
  4. Add code to bind validation group

Create A New Project

Picture showing the project structure in the solution explorer of the visual studio
Click to Enlarge

Add Login Control To The Page

<asp:Login ID="Login1" runat="server">

Add Validation Summary To The Page

<asp:Login ID="Login1" runat="server"></asp:Login>
<asp:ValidationSummary ID="summary" runat="server"/>

Add Code To Bind Validation Group

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
    summary.ValidationGroup = ((BaseValidator) Login1.FindControl("UserNameRequired")).ValidationGroup;

Code Explanation

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" id="MainContent_Login1" style="border-collapse:collapse;">
			<table cellpadding="0">
					<td align="center" colspan="2">Log In</td>
					<td align="right">
						<label for="MainContent_Login1_UserName">User Name:</label>
						<input name="ctl00$MainContent$Login1$UserName" type="text" id="MainContent_Login1_UserName" />
						<span id="MainContent_Login1_UserNameRequired" title="User Name is required." style="visibility:hidden;">*</span>
					<td align="right">
						<label for="MainContent_Login1_Password">Password:</label>
						<input name="ctl00$MainContent$Login1$Password" type="password" id="MainContent_Login1_Password" />
						<span id="MainContent_Login1_PasswordRequired" title="Password is required." style="visibility:hidden;">*</span>
					<td colspan="2">
						<input id="MainContent_Login1_RememberMe" type="checkbox" name="ctl00$MainContent$Login1$RememberMe" />
						<label for="MainContent_Login1_RememberMe">Remember me next time.</label>
					<td align="right" colspan="2">
						<input type="submit" name="ctl00$MainContent$Login1$LoginButton" value="Log In" onclick="javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions("ctl00$MainContent$Login1$LoginButton", "", true, "ctl00$MainContent$Login1", "", false, false))" id="MainContent_Login1_LoginButton" />


Picture showing the validation message applied on the login control in
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Thursday, February 21, 2013


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