Articles → FLUTTER AND DART → Different Folders And Files In Flutter Project

Different Folders And Files In Flutter Project

  1. .idea folder – This folder contains the project specific settings. All settings files are in .xml format.
  2. Android folder – This folder holds the complete android project.
  3. Build folder – This folder contains the output of the flutter application. This folder contains the auto-generated code which programmer is not advised to change.
  4. IOS folder – This folder holds the complete IOS project.
  5. Lib folder – This folder contains all dart files.
  6. Test folder – If automated test cases are prepared then this folder will contain those automated test cases.
  7. Gitignore file – This file is used when you are working with GIT (a source code management tool). The .gitignore file is a text file that tells Git which files or folders to ignore in a project.
  8. .metadata file, .packages file, first_flutter_project.iml and pubspec.lock – These are the files created by flutter for maintaining data related to project. We are not going to use this in our project.
  9. pubspec.yaml – This file contains the information regarding the third party component, images and font files used in our project.
  10. file – This is an autogenerated readme files.

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Wednesday, July 24, 2019


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