Articles → Android → Different Folders In Android Studio

Different Folders In Android Studio

Android View

Picture showing changing the view to android view
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Folders And Files

  1. App folder – This folder contains the application files.
  2. Gradle Scripts – Android studio has a build system called gradle build system. This system builds your code and creates an apk file.

App Folder

  1. Manifests folder – This folder contains the manifest file.
  2. Java folder -This folder contains all your source code files.
  3. Generated Java folder – This folder contains all the compiled code. If you delete this folder, this folder will be generated again in the next build.
  4. Res folder – This folder contains all the resource files like images, animations, videos, layout files etc.

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Tuesday, September 3, 2019


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