Articles → MICROSOFT AZURE → Difference Between The Generation 1 And Generation 2 Virtual Machines

Difference Between The Generation 1 And Generation 2 Virtual Machines


  1. Boot architecture → Generation 1 uses PCAT boot architecture whereas generation 2 uses UEFI boot architecture. The UEFI architecture improves the boot and installation time
  2. Disk controllers → The disk controllers enable the CPU to communicate with disk drives. Generation 1 uses an IDE disk controller and generation 2 uses SCSI disk controller. SCSI are expensive and faster drives
  3. VM sizes → Generation 1 comes in all sizes whereas generation 2 comes in following sizes -
  4. Generation 2 VMs provides OS Disk greater than 2 TB
  5. Generation 2 is on premises

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Thursday, March 11, 2021


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