Articles → AWS → Difference Between Security Group And Network ACL In AWS

Difference Between Security Group And Network ACL In AWS


Security GroupNetwork ACL
A security group is applied at an instance level.Network ACL is applied at the subnet level.
Any change applied to the incoming rule is automatically applied to the outgoing rule.Any change applied to the incoming rule is NOT automatically applied to the outgoing rule.
Security group supports allow rules only.Network ACL supports allow and deny rules.
A security group evaluates all the rules before allowing the traffic.Network ACL evaluates the rules from top to bottom and applies the first matching rule on the incoming/outgoing traffic.
A security group is applied to an instance only if the security group is explicitly applied to that instance.Network ACL applies all the rules to the instance under that subnet.

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Thursday, February 17, 2022


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