Articles → MICROSOFT BOT FRAMEWORK → Describe Attribute In Formflow

Describe Attribute In Formflow


Picture showing the Microsoft documentation of describe attribute in form flow in microsoft bot framework
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Fields In Describe Attribute

  1. Description - Change the default description of field, property or enum.
  2. Image - Add an image on the card. In this attribute, the URL of an image is specified.
  3. Message - Message to return when a button is pressed in the card.
  4. Title - Specifies the title on the card.
  5. SubTitle - Specifies the subtitle on the card.


[Describe(Description = "the name (written on your PAN card)")] 
public string name;

Picture showing the default message when describe attribute is not used
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Picture showing the overridden message when describe attribute is used
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public enum MaritalStatus { [Describe(Message = "Thank you for selecting the option Married")] 
Description = "Marital Status", Image = "", Title = "Need for documentation purpose", SubTitle = "Please select between Married/Unmarried/Single")]
public MaritalStatus ? maritalStatus;

Picture showing the marital status card without image, title, subtitle and message
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Picture showing the marital status card with image, title, subtitle and message
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Picture showing the output when the user clicks on the married option in marital status card
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Complete Code

using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.FormFlow; 
using System;
namespace Bot_Application1.Dialogs {
    public enum MaritalStatus { [Describe(Message = "Thank you for selecting the option Married")]
    public class FormFlowDemo { [Describe(Description = "the name (written on your PAN card)")]
        public string name;
        [Describe(Description = "Marital Status", Image = "", Title = "Need for documentation purpose", SubTitle = "Please select between Married/Unmarried/Single")]
        public MaritalStatus ? maritalStatus;
        public static IForm < FormFlowDemo > GetForm() {
            return new FormBuilder < FormFlowDemo > ().Message("Welcome to support chat system. Please enter the following information to serve you better").Build();

Prompt Attribute

[Prompt("What is your marital status")] 
public MaritalStatus ? maritalStatus;

Picture showing the output of the prompt attribute in microsoft bot framework
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Tuesday, October 13, 2020


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