Articles → MICROSOFT AZURE → Dedicated Host And Dedicated Groups In Microsoft Azure

Dedicated Host And Dedicated Groups In Microsoft Azure


How To Create A Dedicated Host?

Picture showing the dedicated hosts option in Microsoft Azure
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing a screen for adding a new dedicated host in Microsoft Azure
Click to Enlarge

Hosting Group

Picture showing the Create new host group link for creating the new host group
Click to Enlarge

  1. Enter the Host group name
  2. Select the Availability zone and Fault domain count
  3. Click on the Add button
  4. Picture showing the create a host group window
    Click to Enlarge

Select The Dedicated Group At The Time Of VM Creation

Picture showing selecting the hosting group while creating the virtual machine
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Thursday, October 1, 2020
Updated On  -  Tuesday, May 24, 2022


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