Articles → AUTOMATION ANYWHERE → ‘Database’ Command In Automation Anywhere 10.5

‘Database’ Command In Automation Anywhere 10.5

Database Command

  1. Connect – to establish a connection with data source.
  2. Disconnect – to disconnect the established connection with data source
  3. SQL Query – to execute any SQL query
  4. Insert/Update/Delete – To execute insert/update/delete query.
  5. Run stored procedure – to execute stored procedure.
  6. Picture showing the database commands in automation anywhere
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Database Table

Picture showing the sample table with records
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Working With Database

  1. Connect to the database
  2. Execute SQL query and export data to CSV file.
  3. Disconnect.
  4. Open the CSV file.

Connect To The Database

Picture showing the Connect command for connecting to the database in automation anywhere
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Picture showing selecting the database engine
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Picture showing entering the database credentails
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Picture showing setting up the connection string in the connect command of the Database
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Execute SQL Query And Export Data To CSV File.

Picture showing writing the select query in the SQL query command
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Picture showing the disconnect command for disconnecting the database connection
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Open The CSV File

Picture showing the open csv command for opening the CSV file
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Picture showing the values of database tables inside the CSV file
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Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Sunday, September 30, 2018


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