Articles → .NET → Creating Your First Web Application In ASP.NETCreating Your First Web Application In ASP.NETThis article describes how to create your first web application in ASP.NET.Software Requirement Before reading this article, ensure that Visual Studio (any version) is installed on your machine.Steps Of Creating Your First Application To begin with, open the Visual Studio.Go to File → New → Project.A window appears to select the project type.Select ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework) and click OK. A window will appear to select the ASP.NET web application type.A new project, Website1, has been created. You can check the project structure in Solution Explorer (you can open the Solution Explorer using the shortcut keys CTRL + ALT + L).In Solution Explorer, double-click Default.aspx to open it in the designer.Add controls by opening the Toolbox (View > Toolbox). See the picture below.A toolbar will appear on the left-hand side. Drag and drop a textbox and a button to the designer screen (see the picture below).To run the application, right-click on the Default.aspx and click Set as Start Page.Press the F5 key.Output Posted By - Karan Gupta Posted On - Sunday, April 11, 2010 Query/Feedback Your Email Id** Subject* Query/Feedback Characters remaining 250**