Articles → UIPATH → Create Your First Recording In UipathCreate Your First Recording In UipathIn this article, we will create our first recording in UiPath.Record Your First Process As mentioned in the earlier articles, you must click on the ‘Process’ button to create a new process.Once you create a new process, you can go to the design mode where you can see the ‘Record’ button.Click to EnlargeFor this article, we will click on "Basic". Following window will appear.Click to EnlargeTo start the recording, open the application (for example calculator) and click on ‘Record’ button.Once you click on "Record" button, following window will appear on the top left side.Click to EnlargeNow you can perform some activity and once the activity is done, press "ESC". Finally click on "Save & Exit"Click to EnlargeOnce the recording gets closed, activities are added in the design window.Click to EnlargeTo run the process, you must click the ‘Run’ buttonClick to EnlargePosted By - Karan Gupta Posted On - Wednesday, November 28, 2018 Query/Feedback Your Email Id Subject Query/Feedback Characters remaining 250