Articles → ASP.NET CORE → Create Your First Asp.Net Core Project
Create Your First Asp.Net Core Project
Why ASP.NET Core?
Create Your First Asp.Net Core Application
- Open Visual Studio 2019.
- Click on "File" → "New" → "Project…".
- A popup window will appear. Click the option "ASP.NET Core Web Application" and then click the "Next" button.
Click to Enlarge
- A window will appear to enter the "Project name" and "Location". Once the "Project name" is entered, click the "Create" button.
Click to Enlarge
- In the next window, select the type of .NET Core application. For this example, we will create a "Web Application".
Click to Enlarge
- Click the "Create" button to create a new application.
Project Structure
Click to Enlarge
Folder Name | Description | Parent Folder |
wwwroot folder | This folder contains the static files i.e., script, style, image, and static HTML files | |
Page Folder | This folder contains the view, page model, and layout files. | |
Shared Folder | This folder contains 2 files, i.e., _Layout.cshtml and _ValidationScriptsPartial.cshtml | Page Folder |
_Layout.cshtml | This is the layout (or master) page. | Shared Folder |
_ValidationScriptsPartial.cshtml | This script file is required for validations in ASP.NET Core project | Shared Folder |
_ViewImports.cshtml | This file contains the code to include tag helpers in the project | Page Folder |
_ViewStart.cshtml | This file tells the project about which layout (or master page) is included in every project | Page Folder |
Views file | The files Index.cshtml and Privacy.cshtml are the view files. These files are used for creating UI | Page Folder |