Articles → AWS → Create The EBS Snapshot Policy Using The Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager In AWS

Create The EBS Snapshot Policy Using The Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager In AWS


  1. When to run?
  2. Which volume to snapshot?
  3. How long to keep the snapshot?

How To Create The EBS Snapshot Policy?

Picture showing the Lifecycle Manager link in the EC2 dashboard menu
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the Next step button to navigate to the create policy screen
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the step 1 screen of the create policy screen
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the step 2 screen of the create policy screen
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the step 3 screen of the create policy screen
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the policy is created
Click to Enlarge

Selecting The Default Policy

Picture showing selecting the default policy
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the create default policy button for creating the default policy
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Thursday, December 9, 2021
Updated On  -  Thursday, May 9, 2024


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