Articles → POSTGRESQL → Create A Table In Database Using Pg Admin In Postgresql

Create A Table In Database Using Pg Admin In Postgresql


  1. Expand the ‘Schemas’ tab inside the database.
  2. Picture showing the schema inside the databases of the postgres database
    Click to Enlarge

  3. Inside it, right-click on the ‘Tables’ icon and click on Create → Tables
  4. Picture showing the Create option on the context menu of the table
    Click to Enlarge

  5. A window will appear to enter table name, owner, schema etc.
  6. Picture showing a window for adding the table name and the schema of the table
    Click to Enlarge

  7. Once the table name is added, click on the ‘Columns’ tab to add column.
  8. Picture showing a screen for adding the columns in the table
    Click to Enlarge

  9. Here, you can click on ‘+’ sign to add columns. Once you click on ‘+’, a row is added.
Picture showing the + button for adding the rows in the table
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the table added in the postgres database
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Friday, October 18, 2019


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