Articles → UiPath → Create Pivot Table Activity In Uipath
Create Pivot Table Activity In Uipath
Excel File
Click to Enlarge
- Select the table i.e., A1: B8
- Go to "Insert" → "Table". A pop-up window will appear
Click to Enlarge
- Click on the "OK" button
- A table is created
Click to Enlarge
- Save and close the Excel file
- Drag and drop the "Excel Application Scope" activity and mention the Excel file name
- Inside the "Excel Application Scope" activity, drag and drop the "Create Pivot Table" activity
Click to Enlarge
- Inside the "Create Pivot Table" activity
- "Sheet1" as sheet name
- "E1" is the starting point from where the pivot will be created
- "Table1" is the table name of the Excel
- "PTable" is the pivot table name
- Save the file and run the bot
Click to Enlarge