Articles → Light Switch 2011 → Create Paging In Editable Grid Screen In Light Switch 2011Create Paging In Editable Grid Screen In Light Switch 2011In the earlier tutorials I have explained how to add data in a grid when you choose Editable Grid Screen as a screen type. In this tutorial I will explain how to apply paging in the data grid.Implementation First of all select the screen type as Editable Grid Screen by right clicking on the Screen folder and then by click on Add Screen...Click to EnlargeHere in the grid I have already added some records so that we can concentrate on the implementation of paging.Click to EnlargeNow close the screen and come back to screen designer as shown in figure below.Click to EnlargeClick on the Department besides Edit Query link on the upper left part of the screen. Check the property section on the lower right hand side screen. In the property window we have a checkbox Support Paging and a textbox No. of items to display per page. To enable paging check the checkbox and enter the number. Now save the changes and run the project.Click to EnlargeCheck the screen above, as we have defined the page size as two so two records per page is displayed.Posted By - Karan Gupta Posted On - Monday, January 2, 2012 Query/Feedback Your Email Id** Subject* Query/Feedback Characters remaining 250**