Articles → AWS → Create An AWS Organization And Add A New AWS AccountCreate An AWS Organization And Add A New AWS AccountIn this article, we will create an AWS organization and add a new AWS account.AWS Organization To create an organization, search the word aws organizations in the search box. Click the AWS Organizations in the search result.Click to EnlargeIn this AWS organizations screen, click on the Create an organization button.Click to EnlargeThe AWS organization is created.Click to EnlargeAdd A New AWS Account Once the AWS organization is created, click on the Add an AWS account button (See the figure above).A screen will appear to enter the AWS account name, Email address of the owner’s account and IAM role name. Click on the Create AWS account button to create the account.Click to EnlargeA confirmation email will be sent to the email id.Click to EnlargeClick on the Verify your email address to complete the account creation.Posted By - Karan Gupta Posted On - Thursday, May 26, 2022 Query/Feedback Your Email Id Subject Query/Feedback Characters remaining 250