Articles → SQL SERVER → Covering Index In SQL Server

Covering Index In SQL Server

Technical Knowledge

  1. Basics of SQL server
  2. Clustered and non-clustered index
  3. What is the difference between scan and seek?
  4. Basics about execution plans

Non-Clustered Index And Key Loop Ups

Column NameData Type
Titlevarchar (300)
Assigned Tovarchar (100)

Picture showing the logical representation of table having non-clustered index applied on the columns

select Title from Task where Title = 'Task 1'

Picture showing the execution plan of the select query having columns where non-clustered index is applied

select Title, Deadline from Task where Title = 'Task 1'

Picture showing the execution plan of the select query having columns where non-clustered index is not applied

Covering Index

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX non_clustered_index_name ON table_name(column_name) include (list_of_included_columns)

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX ix_Title ON Task(Title) include (Deadline)

Picture showing the select query with the column where covering index is applied

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Friday, April 3, 2015


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