Articles → LIGHT SWITCH 2011 → Convert UTC To Local Date And Time In Datagrid In Lightswitch 2011
Convert UTC To Local Date And Time In Datagrid In Lightswitch 2011
Software Requirement
- Visual studio 2010 is installed on your machine.
- Visual Studio 2010 service pack 1 is installed on your machine.
- Microsoft Visual Studio Light switch 2011 is installed on your machine.
Prerequisite Knowledge
- Basics about lightswitch.
- How to create screens in lightswitch?
- How to create tables in lightswitch?
- What is ControlAvailable event in lightswitch?
- What are data templates in silverlight?
- What are converters (IValueConverter) in silverlight?
Steps Of Execution
- Create a new project
- Create new table
- Create new screens
- Add data to the screen
- Add new column in the grid
Create A New Project
Click to Enlarge
Create New Table
Click to Enlarge
Create A New Screen
Click to Enlarge
Add Data To The Screen
Click to Enlarge
Add New Column In The Grid
using System;
using Microsoft.LightSwitch.Presentation;
using Microsoft.LightSwitch.Presentation.Extensions;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Markup;
using System.Windows.Data;
namespace LightSwitchApplication {
public partial class EditableUserProfilesGrid {
partial void EditableUserProfilesGrid_Created() {
// Write your code here.
this.FindControl("grid").ControlAvailable += new EventHandler < ControlAvailableEventArgs > (EditableUserProfilesGrid_ControlAvailable);
void EditableUserProfilesGrid_ControlAvailable(object sender, ControlAvailableEventArgs e) {
if (e.Control is DataGrid) {
DataGrid _grid = (DataGrid) e.Control;
_grid.Columns.Insert(3, GetLocalTimeColumns("DOJ", "DOJ"));
private DataGridColumn GetLocalTimeColumns(string headerName, string bindingColumnName) {
// Declaration
StringBuilder sbDataGridHeader;
StringBuilder sbDataGridCell;
DataGridTemplateColumn column;
// Initialization
sbDataGridHeader = new StringBuilder(string.Empty);
sbDataGridCell = new StringBuilder(string.Empty);
column = new DataGridTemplateColumn();
// Create data template for grid column
sbDataGridHeader.Append(@"<DataTemplate xmlns=''>");
sbDataGridHeader.Append(string.Format("<TextBlock Text='{0}'/>", headerName));
// Create data template for grid cell
sbDataGridCell.Append(@"<DataTemplate xmlns=''");
sbDataGridCell.Append(" xmlns:x=''");
sbDataGridCell.Append(" xmlns:local='clr-namespace:LightSwitchApplication;assembly=convert_to_local_datetime_demo.Client;'>");
sbDataGridCell.Append("<local:DateTimeUtc2LocalValueConverter x:Key='DateTimeUtc2LocalValueConverter' />");
sbDataGridCell.Append("<TextBlock Text='{Binding ");
sbDataGridCell.Append(", Converter={StaticResource DateTimeUtc2LocalValueConverter}}'/>");
// Assign data template to header
Style headerStyle = new Style(typeof(DataGridColumnHeader));
headerStyle.Setters.Add(new Setter {
Property = DataGridColumnHeader.ContentTemplateProperty,
Value = (DataTemplate) XamlReader.Load(sbDataGridHeader.ToString())
column.HeaderStyle = headerStyle;
// Assign data template to grid cell
column.CellTemplate = XamlReader.Load(sbDataGridCell.ToString()) as DataTemplate;
// Return value
return column;
public class DateTimeUtc2LocalValueConverter: IValueConverter {
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) {
return string.Format("{0} {1}", System.Convert.ToDateTime(value).ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString(), System.Convert.ToDateTime(value).ToLocalTime().ToLongTimeString());
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
Code Explanation
- EditableUserProfilesGrid
- DateTimeUtc2LocalValueConverter
- EditableUserProfilesGrid_Created
- EditableUserProfilesGrid_ControlAvailable
- GetLocalTimeColumns
<TextBlock Text='DOJ'/>
<local:DateTimeUtc2LocalValueConverter x:Key='DateTimeUtc2LocalValueConverter' />
<TextBlock Text='{Binding DOJ, Converter={StaticResource DateTimeUtc2LocalValueConverter}}'/>
Click to Enlarge
Click to Enlarge
Click to Enlarge