Articles → MICROSOFT AZURE → Connect To Azure Portal Using PowerShell

Connect To Azure Portal Using PowerShell


  1. Open PowerShell in the admin mode
  2. Write the following command in the PowerShell
  3. Connect-AzAccount -TenantId <your_tenant_id>

  4. A window will appear to enter the username and then the password
  5. Picture showing the login page for logging into the Azure Portal.
    Click to Enlarge

  6. Another window will appear to verify your identity (either your mobile number or email). Once the identity is verified, you are connected to the Azure portal
  7. Picture showing the PowerShell screen after the Powershell is connected to the azure portal.
    Click to Enlarge

How To Get The Subscription Information?


Picture showing the PowerShell screen with the list of azure subscription
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Monday, October 5, 2020


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