Articles → PROJECT MANAGEMENT → Conflicts And Techniques Of Conflict Management

Conflicts And Techniques Of Conflict Management

What Is A Conflict?

What Is Conflict Resolution?

Techniques Of Conflict Resolution


In this technique, we postpone the issue till we get a better resolution or wait for someone else to resolve the issue


In this technique, we emphasize the points the conflicting parties agreed on rather than the points where the conflicting parties disagree


In this technique, we try to find a solution that provides some agreement between the parties to resolve the issue partially


In this technique, we push the viewpoint of one on the other. This technique is normally to resolve the conflict in an emergency-like situation

Collaborate/Problem Solve

In this technique, we try to incorporate different viewpoints through an open dialog. This technique leads to consensus or conflict resolution

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Thursday, April 29, 2021


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