Articles → Python → Conditional Statement In Python

Conditional Statement In Python

What Are Conditional Statements?

Different Types Of Conditional Statements

  1. If statement
  2. If-else statement
  3. elif statement

If Statement

if condition: Statements to be executed


if condition:
      Statement 1
      Statement 2  

age = 25

if age > 21:
    print("you are eligible to buy liquor")
    print("This line gets executed along with previous line")
print("this line will get executed for sure even if the condition is not satisfied")    

Picture showing the output of if conditional statement in python

If-Else Statement

if condition:
      Statement 1
      Statement 2

age = 25

if age > 21:
    print("you are eligible to buy liquor")
    print("you are not eligible to buy liquor")

Picture showing the output of if-else conditional statement in python

Elif Statement

if condition 1:
      Statement 1
elif condition 2:
      Statement 2

marks = 90

if marks > 90:
    print ("You have got A grade")
elif marks > 80:
    print ("You have got B grade")
    print ("You have got C grade")

Picture showing the output of elif conditional statement in python

Nested If

age = 21
isIndianCitizen = True

if age > 18:
    if isIndianCitizen == True:
        print("You are eligible to vote")

Picture showing the output of nested if conditional statement in python

Ternary Operator

age = 21
isIndianCitizen = True

if age > 18:
    if isIndianCitizen == True:
        print("You are eligible to vote")
    print("not eligible to vote")

age = 21
isIndianCitizen = True

print("You are eligible to vote"  if age > 18 and isIndianCitizen == True else "not eligible to vote")

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Monday, February 18, 2019


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