Articles → FLUTTER AND DART → Compare Flutter, React Native And Iconic Framework

Compare Flutter, React Native And Iconic Framework


FlutterReact NativeIonic
Application is created using flutter application development framework and dart programming language.Application is created using JavaScript and react.js.Application is created using JavaScript.
Applications in flutter are compiled to native code. Native code is specific to a single platform/operating system. Native code improves the performance of the application.Code is partially compiled to native code. The code written in JavaScript is not compiled to native code.Code is not compiled to the native code.
Does not compile to IOS/android UI componentsCompile to IOS/android UI componentsDoes not compile to IOS/android UI components
Can create cross platform mobile, desktop and web applicationsMostly used for creating mobile applicationsCan create cross platform mobile, desktop and web applications
Developed by GoogleDeveloped by FacebookDeveloped by Ionic

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Monday, July 29, 2019


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