Articles → UiPath → Clipboard Related Activities In Uipath

Clipboard Related Activities In Uipath

  1. Copy Selected Text - This activity copies the selected text of the active window (like notepad)
  2. Set To Clipboard - Sets the selected text to the clipboard
  3. Get From Clipboard - Gets the text from the clipboard


  1. Select a text from the notepad (don’t press CTRL + C)
  2. Drag and drop the "Copy Selected Text" activity
  3. Set the output of the activity to a string variable say "strCopyText"
  4. Drag and drop the "Set To Clipboard" activity and set the value to the "strCopyText" variable
  5. Drag and drop the "Get From Clipboard" activity and output the value to the "strCopyText" variable
  6. Display the value of the variable using a message box.
Picture showing the Copy Selected text, Set To Clipboard and Get From Clipboard activities on designer pane
Click to Enlarge


Picture showing the message box that contains the text copied from clipboard
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Tuesday, January 12, 2021


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