Articles → ADO.NET → Call Stored Procedure Using Entity Framework

Call Stored Procedure Using Entity Framework

  1. You should know how to create a table in database
  2. You must be aware of entity framework and how to add tables in entity framework.
  3. You must be aware of stored procedure in SQL server.

Picture showing the project structure in visual studio
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CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Attribute](
	[AttributeId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
	[AttributeName] [varchar](50) NULL

Picture showing adding the new item in the project of type ADO.NET Entity Data Model
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Picture showing the Attribute table added in entity framework
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-- Procedure to insert value in attribute table
Create Proc InsertAttribute
@Attribute VARCHAR(50)
Insert into Attribute values(@Attribute)

-- Procedure to get attribute based on attribute
CREATE PROC GetAttribute
@AttributeId int
Select * from Attribute where AttributeId = @AttributeId

-- Procedure to check if the attribute exists
Create PROC IsAttributeExists
@AttributeId int
IF EXISTS(Select * from Attribute where AttributeId = @AttributeId)

Picture showing the context menu for updating model from database
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Picture showing the update model wizard to select the database objects to be updated
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Picture showing the stored procedure added in entity framework
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  1. In the first stored procedure i.e. InsertAttribute we are inserting value in table and we are not returning any value so return type in void.
  2. Second stored procedure GetAttribute returns an entity called ‘Attribute’.
  3. Third procedure checks if the attribute exists or not. The return type is string.

Picture showing the Add function import option in stored procedure in entity framework
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Picture showing the add function import window for setting the output type
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using(ABCEntities context = new ABCEntities()) { 
    //   Proc 1
    //Proc 2
    string status = context.IsAttributeExists(1).First();
    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("status = {0}", status));
    // Proc 3
    GetAttribute_Result attr = context.GetAttribute(1).First();
    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Attributeid= {0}{1}AttributeName= {2}", attr.AttributeId, Environment.NewLine, attr.AttributeName));


Picture showing the output of calling the stored procedure using entity framework
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Thursday, January 8, 2015


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