Articles → AWS → Cache Policy In AWS CloudFrontCache Policy In AWS CloudFrontIn this article, we will discuss the cache policy in AWS CloudFront.Purpose The purpose of the Cache policy is to improve the cache hit ratio (How many requests a cache can fill successfully).Managed Cache Policy These are the predefined AWS cache policies.Click to EnlargeClick to EnlargeCreate A Custom Cache Policy To create the custom cache policy, click on the Create policy link in the Cache key and origin requests section.Click to EnlargeIn the Create cache policy screen, enter the Name and the TTL settings.Click to EnlargeScroll down further to select the Cache key settings and Compression support. Click on the Create button to create the custom policy.Click to EnlargePosted By - Karan Gupta Posted On - Thursday, December 29, 2022 Query/Feedback Your Email Id Subject Query/Feedback Characters remaining 250