Articles → MICROSOFT AZURE → Azure SQL Server Databases
Azure SQL Server Databases
- Go to the SQL databases in the Azure portal
- In the SQL databases, click on the +Add button
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- In the details screen, enter the Subscription, Resource Group and Database name
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- Select the server. If the server does not exist then create a new server using the Create new link
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- Select the fields Want to use SQL elastic pool? and Compute + Storage
- Click on the Review + create button
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- Once the validation is done, click on the Create button to create the SQL server
Deployment Models
- Single database - This is the single isolated database
- Elastic pool - The elastic pool is the collection of single databases with shared resources
Purchasing Model
- DTU based - DTU (Database Transaction Unit) is a combination of compute, memory, and storage as a single unit
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- vCore - In the case of VCore - compute, memory and storage can be upgraded individually. In other words, vCore gives more flexibility than DTUs
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- Serverless - In this model, the cost is calculated based on usage. The billing is done on the amount of compute used per second
Service Tiers
- General purpose/standard service tier - This service tier is used for applications with the standard workload
- Business Critical/Premium - This service tier is used for OLTP applications
- Hyperscale - This service tier is used for large OLTP applications and has the ability to autoscaling