Articles → MICROSOFT AZURE → Azure SQL Server Databases

Azure SQL Server Databases


  1. Go to the SQL databases in the Azure portal
  2. In the SQL databases, click on the +Add button
  3. Picture showing the Add button for adding the SQL database.
    Click to Enlarge

  4. In the details screen, enter the Subscription, Resource Group and Database name
  5. Picture showing the details screen for adding the database name
    Click to Enlarge

  6. Select the server. If the server does not exist then create a new server using the Create new link
  7. Picture showing the screen for creating a server and its credentials
    Click to Enlarge

  8. Select the fields Want to use SQL elastic pool? and Compute + Storage
  9. Click on the Review + create button
  10. Picture showing an option to select if the database is a single database or in the pool of databases
    Click to Enlarge

  11. Once the validation is done, click on the Create button to create the SQL server

Deployment Models

  1. Single database - This is the single isolated database
  2. Elastic pool - The elastic pool is the collection of single databases with shared resources

Purchasing Model

  1. DTU based - DTU (Database Transaction Unit) is a combination of compute, memory, and storage as a single unit

  2. Picture showing the DTU based purchasing model
    Click to Enlarge

  3. vCore - In the case of VCore - compute, memory and storage can be upgraded individually. In other words, vCore gives more flexibility than DTUs

  4. Picture showing the vCode based purchasing model
    Click to Enlarge

  5. Serverless - In this model, the cost is calculated based on usage. The billing is done on the amount of compute used per second

Service Tiers

  1. General purpose/standard service tier - This service tier is used for applications with the standard workload
  2. Business Critical/Premium - This service tier is used for OLTP applications
  3. Hyperscale - This service tier is used for large OLTP applications and has the ability to autoscaling

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Tuesday, February 16, 2021


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