Articles → AWS → AWS Elastic Container Service

AWS Elastic Container Service


How To Create The Elastic Container Service In AWS?

Picture showing the elastic container service in the search result

Picture showing the Create cluster button for creating the new cluster

Picture showing cluster name field in the create cluster screen

Picture showing selecting the infrastructure while creating the cluster

Picture showing the cluster is created in AWS console

Task Definition Creation

Picture showing submenu Task definitions in the Amazon Elastic Container Service

Picture showing the create new task definiton button for creating the new task definition

Picture showing specifying the task definition family name in the create new task definition screen

Picture showing setting the infrastructure requirements while creating the task definition

Picture showing setting the name and image of the container

Picture showing the create button for creating the task definition

Create A Service Inside The Cluster

Picture showing the service tab inside the cluster

Picture showing setting the Capacity provider for the service

Picture showing setting up the service name in cluster service

Picture showing the create button for creating the service

Picture showing the service is created in AWS ECS

Picture showing the task definition created in AWS ECS

Check The Output

Picture showing the public IP address of the container

Picture showing the home page of the nginx

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Saturday, February 3, 2024


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