Articles → MICROSOFT AZURE → Attach An Unmanaged Disk To A Virtual Machine In Azure

Attach An Unmanaged Disk To A Virtual Machine In Azure

Steps For Attaching The Unmanaged Disk

  1. Create a storage account
  2. Attach the unmanaged disk while creating the virtual machine

Create A Storage Account

Picture showing the screen for creating the storage account in Azure
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the value of Performance/Access tier field in the detail screen of the storage account
Click to Enlarge

Create A Virtual Machine

  1. Change the OS Disk Type to Standard HDD (As the value of Performance/Access tier is Standard/Hot)
  2. Picture showing selecting the OS disk type while creating the virtual machine
    Click to Enlarge

  3. Scroll down to the Advanced section
  4. Uncheck the checkbox Use managed disk and select the storage account
  5. Picture showing enabling the option Use Unmanaged disks while creating the virtual machine
    Click to Enlarge

  6. Finally, click on the Review + create
  7. Once the validation is passed, click on the Create button to create the virtual machine

Disks On Virtual Machine

Picture showing the disks section in the virtual machine for adding an unmanaged disks
Click to Enlarge

Picture showing the screen for attaching an unmanaged disk
Click to Enlarge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Friday, April 23, 2021


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