Articles → .NET → ASP.NET Folders

ASP.NET Folders

Folder NameDescription
App_codeThis folder is used to store classes, .wsdl and typed dataset.
App_ThemesThis folder holds .skin file,.css file and images.
App_DataThis folder holds data store files like .mdf file,xml file, text file and other data store files.
App_globalResourcesThis folder holds .resx file but the files in this folder can be accessed through out the application. The files are not bound to a particular page.
App_LocalResourcesThis folder holds the .resx file for each page.
App_WebReferencesThis folder is for adding web reference.
App_BrowsersThis folder holds browser files, which are xml files used to describe characteristics and capabilities of browsers.
BinThis folder holds .dll files

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Monday, February 1, 2010


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