Articles → HTML → Anchor Tag In HTML

Anchor Tag In HTML


<a href=”page_name”>text</a>



	<title>Anchor Demo</title>

<body> <a href="page1.html">Click here to go to page1</a> </body>



Picture showing the output of anchor tag
Click to Enlarge

Target Attribute In The Anchor Tag

  1. blank – Opens the linked document in a new window. Consider the following code

  2. <html>
    	<title>Anchor Target Demo</title>
    <body> <a href="" target="_blank">Click here to go to google</a> </body>

    Picture showing the output of anchor tag when target type is _blank
    Click to Enlarge

  3. _self – Opens the linked document in the same window. Consider the following code

  4. <html>
    	<title>Anchor Target Demo</title>
    <body> <a href="" target="_self">Click here to go to google</a> </body>

    Picture showing the output of anchor tag when target type is _self
    Click to Enlarge

  5. _parent - Opens the link in the parent window. To check this, we will create 2 files ‘page1.html’ and ‘page2.html’. In page1.html, add the following code

  6. <html>
    	<title>Anchor Target Demo</title>
    	<iframe src="Page2.html"></iframe>

    	<title>Anchor Target Demo</title>
    <body> <a href="" target="_self">Click here to go to google</a> </body>

    Picture showing the output of anchor tag when _self is used instead of _parent
    Click to Enlarge

    	<title>Anchor Target Demo</title>
    <body> <a href="" target="_parent">Click here to go to google</a> </body>

    Picture showing the output of anchor tag when target type is _parent
    Click to Enlarge

  7. _top – Opens the link in the full body of the window

  8. <html>
    	<title>Anchor Target Demo</title>
    	<iframe src="Page2.html"></iframe>

    	<title>Anchor Target Demo</title>
    <body> This is frame 2
    	<iframe src="Page3.html"></iframe>

    	<title>Anchor Target Demo</title>
    <body> <a href="" target="_top">Click here to go to google</a> </body>

    Picture showing the output of anchor tag when target type is _top
    Click to Enlarge

  9. Framename – Open the target document in the specified frame. Consider Page1.html, page2.html and page3.html again

  10. <html>
    	<title>Anchor Target Demo</title>
    	<iframe src="Page2.html" name="framePage1"></iframe>

    	<title>Anchor Target Demo</title>
    <body> This is frame 2
    	<iframe src="Page3.html" name="framePage2"></iframe>

    	<title>Anchor Target Demo</title>
    <body> <a href="" target="framePage2">Click here to go to google</a> </body>

    Picture showing the output of anchor tag when target type is frame
    Click to Enlarge

    	<title>Anchor Target Demo</title>
    <body> <a href="" target="framePage1">Click here to go to google</a> </body>

    Picture showing the output of anchor tag when target type is frame
    Click to Enlarge

Browser Support

Internet ExplorerFirefoxChromeSafariOperaEdge

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Saturday, December 26, 2015
Updated On  -  Sunday, April 2, 2017


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