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Amazon Simple Email Service In AWS


How To Create SES?

  1. Verify the email address
  2. Create SMTP credentials

Verify The Email Address

Picture showing the Amazon Simple Email Service in the search result of the AWS console

Picture showing the Get set up link

Picture showing the Verify a New Email Address button for verifying the sender email address

Picture showing the a screen to select the identity type

Picture showing  a section of screen to enter the email address

Picture showing  the Create identity button

Picture showing the verification email on the specified email address

Picture showing the status of the email as verified

Create SMTP Credentials

Picture showing the button for creating the SMTP credentials

Picture showing the screen to specify the IAM user name used as SMTP credentails

Picture showing the SMTP credentails created using the SES

Send An Email Using SES Credentials

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Mail;

namespace SESDemo
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Replace with your AWS SES SMTP credentials
            string smtpUsername = "[User Name]";
            string smtpPassword = "[Password]";

            // SMTP endpoint for the AWS SES region (e.g., us-east-1)
            string host = "";
            int port = 587; // Port 587 for TLS, or 465 for SSL

            // Email details
            string from = "";
            string to = "";
            string subject = "Test Email from AWS SES";
            string body = "Hello, this is a test email sent using C# and AWS SES SMTP.";

            // Create a new SmtpClient object to send the email
            SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(host, port);
            client.UseDefaultCredentials = false;

            client.EnableSsl = true;
            client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(smtpUsername, smtpPassword);
            client.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;

                // Create the MailMessage object
                MailMessage message = new MailMessage(from, to, subject, body);

                // Send the email
                Console.WriteLine("Email sent successfully!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to send email. Error: " + ex.Message);

Picture showing  mail sent using SES credentials

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Monday, November 1, 2021


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