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Acceptance Criteria In Agile

Different Ways Of Writing The Acceptance Criteria

  1. Given-When-Then Format
  2. Checklist Format

Given-When-Then Format

Given - Pre-conditions or context

When - Action or trigger.

Then - Expected outcome or result.

#### Scenario: Successful login
Given - A registered user with valid credentials.
When - The user enters a valid username and password and clicks the login button.
Then - The user is redirected to the dashboard page.

#### Scenario: Invalid login attempt
Given - A user on the login page.
When - The user enters an invalid username or password.
Then - An error message is displayed indicating invalid credentials.

Checklist Format

The user should be able to log in with valid credentials successfully.
An error message should be shown when invalid credentials are entered.
The "Remember Me" option should save the username for future logins.
The user should be redirected to the dashboard after a successful login.
The user should be blocked after 3 consecutive failed login attempts.

Which Way To Choose?

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Monday, October 28, 2024


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